Thursday, 16 October 2014

First Nations Health Authority Opportunities

2014 RFP-09 Lit Review- Wellness Health Promotion & Disease Prevention

Summary Details:
The First Nations Health Authority [FNHA) has an immediate requirement for a literature
review with respect to wellness, health promotion and primordial prevention and primary
disease prevention.

The FNHA has adopted a First Nations' Perspective on Wellness that has been applied to all
its planning, operations, programs and services, and as a way to visually depict, and
describe, the organizations vision. Grounded in a First Nations' holistic approach to all
of life, this perspective recognizes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects
of health and wellness as well as the social and environmental context to support health
and wellness in which health exists. The intent of this perspective is to move from a
reactive, illness based approach to a proactive, strengths based wellness approach and to
create a shared understanding of a holistic vision of wellness for First Nations - the way
it has always been.

Being holistic, the perspective on wellness naturally considers the broader context of
health and wellness (i.e. upstream determinants of health); it encourages and enables
individual and community level wellness and resiliency through effective health and safety
promotion, healthy public policy, engaged communities and supportive environments and
systems to enable healthy personal choices, thereby fostering the creation of supportive
environments and systems to enable healthy personal choices. For more information, visit

For other opportunities at FNHA, visit: 

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