The Province of BC has proclaimed October Occupational Therapy Month!
What are you doing to celebrate and support occupational therapy during OT month? Here are a few suggestions to help get you started. Feel free to share them with your colleagues and don't forget to let everyone know what you are doing by adding a comment to this post.
- Update your phone message and email signature. An idea is adding October is OT Month. Learn more about how occupational therapy helps people live life to the fullest at
- Make sure your workplace knows it is OT month. Can you send a message to all of your co-workers in your organization? Does your workplace have a newsletter? Contribute an article on occupational therapy.Can you set up a display at your workplace?
- Utilize resources that CAOT has created for OT month.
- Use social media such as Facebook and Twitter to share messages about OT month and OT. Use hashtags #otmonth #otvalue or post a link to CAOT and ask your friends to visit the site and share the post;
- Make sure to share what you are doing with the rest of the OT community! Your idea may inspire others. Take pictures or share an idea by sending us an email.
Let's continue to work together to raise the profile of OT all year round.
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