Wednesday 24 December 2014

eHITS - Call for Abstracts

Call for abstracts is open!

Share your innovative research as well as your favorite apps and eHealth tools. Demonstrations and stories of experiences in short 5-10 minute presentations are encouraged. There is also a special track for student research.

Deadline: January 16th, 2015

Notifications will be sent out by February 27, 2015.

The use of information and communication technologies in health (or eHealth) in BC is moving faster than we as providers can genuinely engage in. It's an exciting time, yet the reality is our healthcare professionals are either quickly adopting the changes, overwhelmed, or somewhere in the middle. Our goal is to open a dialogue, share experiences, and provide a platform to offer accessible and practical approaches to adopting innovative technologies in our province. 

Our inaugural conference was a great success, thanks to the many interested individuals and organizations and their support. Join us in this exciting, interactive, and thought-provoking program in its second year to advance eHealth adoption in BC together!

This year, we continue to build on our focus and invite scientific presentations within five overarching themes:
1. Public engagement – How patients and families are using information and health care technologies
2. Interprofessional collaboration and practice change
3. Electronic Health Record (E.H.R.) and meaningful engagement
4. How health care professionals are using information technologies, such as biosensors or mobile health tools
5. Technology for continuing professional development and student learning

For more information about the abstract requirements, formats, and selection criteria, visit us at:

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