Monday 14 September 2015

Networking & Education Day

What:      CAOT-BC 2nd Annual Networking &
               Education Day
Date:       October 23, 2015.
Time:       9am to 4pm
Where:     Location hosted by Motion Specialties
               Burnaby, BC

Determining Fitness to Drive: Tool for Evaluating this Critical IADL (Sue Reil & Fiona Fleming, Community Therapists)

Almost 80% of adults in Canada drive on a regular basis and although that number decreases as we age almost 60% of men who are 85 years of age or older continue to drive. This presentation will target information OT’s require to include driving as a critical IADL in their assessment and treatment planning whether they are recommending driving alternatives, conducting a Driver Screen or referring for a Functional Driving Evaluation. Roles of stakeholders including RoadSafetyBC will also be presented.

Exposure Therapy Clinical Pathway (Rose Bonnet & Christine Hewitt, Alberta Health Services)
The Community Mental Health Rehabilitation Team is an adult community based mental health program with Alberta Health Services in Calgary. The program had seen an increase in the number of clients whom anxiety was a barrier to community engagement and in response the program reviewed best practice and developed a clinical pathway to support clinical practice. The presentation will review a definition of exposure therapy, the exposure pathway that was developed including assessment, treatment planning, implementation, and discharge planning.  A case study will be reviewed to support learning. 

Learning with Motion Specialties
3 Live Learning Stations hosted by Motion Specialities.

Ergonomic Solutions (Ed Tchoi, 3M Canada)
3M Office Ergonomics: Tools to prevent, mitigate and address common workplace injuries from head to toe.  A demo will be provided of 3M Office Ergonomic tools that are often prescribed in an office setting along with a demo of 3M Tensor products that help support weak muscles, tendons and ligaments. 

Approaching Dysphagia Management with an OT Lens
(Krista Carwana & Janice Duivestein, Access Therapists)
Eating, drinking and swallowing problems (dysphagia)  affect people across the lifespan and are best managed by an inter-professional team. OT’s, with their unique knowledge and skill set, make up a valuable part of this team. This presentation will include a variety of dysphagia management strategies including positioning for the body and head and adapting the environment to facilitate the mealtime experience

Prescribing the Right Pressure Management Equipment (Jo-Anne Chisholm, Access Therapists)
Seating and pressure management is a common challenge for many OT's working with people in wheelchairs. This one hour session will discuss the difference between force isolation and pressure redistribution using a variety of cushions, postural equipment and mattresses to illustrate. Case studies including pressure mapping, will help demonstrate how OT's can use different seating modalities and sleep surfaces to help prevent and treat pressure ulcers.

Cost:        CAOT-BC Member: $169
                Non-Member:        $209
                Student Member:   $99


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