Tuesday, 14 March 2017

CAOT-BC at the BC Legislature, again!

Dear colleagues,

March 9, 2017 marked another day in the history of the occupational therapy profession in BC. For the 2nd year in a row, CAOT-BC organized a day of government advocacy in Victoria. With a delegation of ten (10) occupational therapists, CAOT-BC attended a question period, hosted a luncheon and met with key Ministers and MLAs including the Hon. Andrew Wilkinson (Minister of Advanced Education), the Hon. Michelle Stilwell (Minister of Social Development and Social Innovation), the Hon. Donna Barnett (Minister of State for Rural Economic Development, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations) and MLA Jane Thornthwaite (North Vancouver). The focus of these meetings was to discuss the occupational therapy workforce and improving access to occupational therapy in underserved regions of our province.

Figure 1 (Left to Right) Andrea Mcneill (OT); MLA Katrine Conroy; Katrina Tilley (OT); Allison Patterson (OT); MLA Selina Robinson; MLA George Heyman, MLA Linda Reimer, MLA Richard Lee, Laura Bulk (OT), Hon. Andrew Wilkinson, MLA Doug Bing, Giovanna Boniface (OT), Dr. Susan Forwell (OT), Jeff Boniface (OT), Sarah Rosen (OT), Julia Periera (OT), Sharon Campbell (OT)

Introduction to the House
We would like to thank Dr. Darryl Plecas, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health for Seniors for a warm introduction at the start of the question period. He introduced each member of our delegation to the legislature. In addition, we thank MLA Judy Darcy (NDP Health Critic) for a kind welcome following Dr. Plecas’ introduction. 
You can watch the introduction here (Chamber Video at 9:50 mark)

Figure 2 (Left to Right) Julia Periera (OT), MLA George Heyman, Andrea McNeill (OT)
Occupational Therapy Representatives 
We would also like to express our gratitude to the CAOT-BC members who made up the volunteer delegation:

Laura Bulk - Chair, CAOT-BC Advisory Committee
Andrea McNeill - CAOT-BC Advisory Committee
Sharon Campbell - CAOT-BC Advisory Committee; Interior Health
Allison Patterson - CAOT-BC Advisory Committee; Island Health
Julia Periera - Private Practice Business Network
Jeff Boniface - Private Practice
Dr. Susan Forwell - Department Head, Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy UBC
Katrina Tilley - Neil Squire Society
Sarah Rosen - Island Health
Figure 3 (Left to Right) MLA Linda Reimer, Katrina Tilley (OT), MLA Doug Bing
BC Government Contact
Those in attendance for the introduction, announcement and/or CAOT-BC hosted luncheon included:
  • MLA Jane Thornthwaite (North Vancouver)
  • Hon. Donna Barnett (Cariboo-Chilcotin)
  • MLA Richard Lee (Burnaby)
  • Hon. Andrew Wilkinson (Vancouver)
  • Hon. Terry Lake (Kamloops - North Thompson)
  • MLA Darryl Plecas (Abbotsford) 
  • MLA Doug Bing (Maple Ridge) 
  • MLA Judy Darcy (New Westminster)
  • Hon. Michelle Stilwell (Nanaimo/Parksville)
  • Hon. Norm Letnick (Kelowna)
  • MLA Don McRae (Courtney/Comox)
  • MLA Sam Sillivan (Vancouver)
  • MLA George Heyman (Vancouver)
  • MLA David Eby (Vancouver)
  • MLA Katrine Conroy (Kootenay West)
  • MLA Selina Robinson (Coquitlam)
  • MLA Linda Reimer (Port Moody-Coquitlam)
  • MLA Gary Holman (Saanich North and the Islands) 
  • Lorne Mayencourt (Office of the Premier)
Figure 4 (Left to Right) Giovanna Boniface (OT), Hon. Donna Barnett, Dr. Susan Forwell (OT)

Figure 5 (Left to Right) Laura Bulk (OT), MLA Don McRae, Allison Patterson (OT)

Figure 6 (Left to Right) MLA Jane Thornthwaite, Jeff Boniface (OT)

Figure 7 (Left to Right) Dr. Susan Forwell (OT), Hon. Michelle Stilwell, Giovanna Boniface (OT)

Thank you for your support

We would like to take this opportunity to say a special thank you to our members who provided sponsorship contributions to public awareness activities during renewal 2016. Those sponsorships were used to support this activity which is vital to ensure the voice of the occupational therapy profession is heard in our government.

As we approach the #BCElection2017, stay tuned for how you can participate and support the profession. We will be launching an advocacy toolkit along with a webinar in advance of the election.

Giovanna Boniface
National Director of Professional Affairs

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