Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Interested in learning more about a new DCD Advocacy Toolkit?

Are you interested in attending an interactive educational webinar in the spring of 2018 to learn more about a new DCD Advocacy Toolkit?

This toolkit has been developed for Occupational therapists (OTs), as we play a key role in DCD assessment and treatment. Recent research has shown that OTs in BC report a lack of knowledge about best practices in DCD assessment and treatment, and an interest in developing advocacy skills to support children and families. The DCD Advocacy Toolkit was developed to target these gaps.

The DCD Advocacy Toolkit webinar will include:

  • A review of DCD and its implications
  • A thorough overview of the Toolkit, including resources and best practice guidelines.
The webinar will increase participants' understanding and knowledge both of current evidence-based guidelines for DCD diagnosis and intervention. OTs will learn how to apply this evidence in the assessment and treatment of clients with suspected DCD, and to more effectively advocate for diagnoses when appropriate. After attending this webinar, OTs will have new awareness of tools and resources to support best practice and enhanced knowledge of advocacy opportunities in BC.

Send an email to by Jan 22nd, 2018 to let us know if you and/or your colleagues are interested in attending a webinar.

We thank you in advance for your time and interest on behalf of the DCD Advocacy Toolkit Team:

Dr. Jill Zwicker
Stephanie Glegg
Giovanna Boniface
Ivonne Montgomery

This research is funded by the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research.

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