Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Resource for review from the CAOT-BC Occupation in Practice Network

The CAOT-BC Occupation in Practice Network has been working to develop a new resource for occupational therapists, and is requesting your feedback.
This Practice Network meets with the purpose of discussing our understandings of occupation, the benefits and challenges of occupation-centred practice, and sharing strategies around how to bring occupation more into focus in our work.

This resource was developed with the purpose of providing a list of actions that any occupational therapist can take to bring occupation into their practice, regardless of practice area or setting. It is intended to provide a general overview of possible strategies, with the intention being to eventually develop further documents are provide more specific resources for these strategies.  

If you are interested in providing feedback on this resource, please:
  1. Review the resource
  2. Complete this questionnaire
The deadline for review is February 14, 2020. Please share with your networks.


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