Monday, 8 November 2021

ICBC update: Enhanced Care

As ICBC has now entered their sixth month with Enhanced Care, they are offering an Enhanced Care Refresher to health care providers and are looking for feedback on the process. 

Enhanced Care Refresher Webinar: these discipline-specific webinars will discuss what Enhanced Care means for you, provide an overview of Enhanced Care benefits, outline the process for interacting with ICBC, and address frequently asked questions.

ICBC Vendor Number webinar: this webinar is open to all administrators and health care providers who treat ICBC customers, regardless of whether they already have a vendor number. They will provide information on applying for and updating an ICBC Vendor Number as well as addressing questions that they have received with the process.

Please submit questions about ICBC Enhanced Care, treating ICBC customers, or interacting with ICBC in advance of the webinars to your professional association or by using the: Health Care Provider Feedback form. They will consolidate the questions into themes and address these in the webinars.

Please see the dates and times as follows:

Enhanced Care for Occupational Therapists

ICBC Vendor Number Webinar

Date: Thurs Nov 25, 2021

Time: 12:00 – 1:00PM

Registration: Click here to register

Date: Thurs Dec 2, 2021

Time: 12:00 – 1:00PM

Registration: Click here to register

Registration links for the webinars are also accessible from the latest news section on the Health services page.

If you are not able to join, they will also be recording the presentations and posting them on the Health Services Website.


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