Wednesday 21 January 2015

resOurce for your pracTice

Stroke Recovery Association of BC (SRABC) is a non-profit organization. We have been offering information and programs since 1979 for stroke survivors after they leave hospital. We are committed to assisting stroke survivors and their caregivers throughout the province to improve their overall quality of life. Our vision is that every stroke survivor in BC has respect, inclusion, and support in their home community.

Stroke Recovery Branches
SRABC has around 30 local Stroke Recovery Branches across the province. Branches provide a friendly place where stroke survivors, families, friends, and caregivers can get encouragement, help and support. We offer a range of programs designed to support stroke survivors in the community after they leave hospital. Branches range in size from approximately 10 to 65 members. The programs on offer vary depending on the resources available.

Education, Tools and Resources
The purposes of SRABC are as follow:
a) To assist stroke survivors and caregivers in BC to improve their quality of life and independence
b) To increase awareness about stroke and services for stroke survivors
d) Provide resources for stroke survivors
e) To provide education and assistance to stroke survivors
f) To disseminate information on stroke prevention
You can find guides to recovering from a stroke, our 7 Steps to Stroke Recovery video (which has had over 12,000 hits on YouTube) and other helpful resources on our website here under the ‘Resources’ and ‘Recovering from a Stroke’ tabs:

You can sign up for our two newsletters by mailing us at

Snippets  is published on the 10th day of each month by Stroke Recovery Association of BC. It contains SRABC news and information and stroke recovery resources for stroke survivors and caregivers. Snippets can also be useful for people recovering from a stroke, their caregivers, their friends, family and supporters. Copies are archived here -

Life After Stroke is published four times a year. It is for BC’s stroke survivors, their caregivers, their friends, family and supporters – and anyone else interested in stroke recovery. It focuses on stories about stroke survivors and caregivers that show there is life after stroke. Copies are archived here -


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